Friday, January 28, 2005 : ASP.NET Chart and Charting for .NET - .netCHARTING enables your web site to display massive amounts of dynamically generated data quickly and easily through a visual interface.

I will try it later today (soon as i get dotnet framework 1.1 installed)

Sigh, Enforced to reinstall. I have to re-install my windows 2000 today, because it's gone unstable, hard-drives even get lost! And Command-line doesn't regonize commands like "ipconfig" or "ping".. Weirdo!

Now i just try back-up everything imporant (Fla's, Sites, Pictures, Mp3z..)

Will see how long this process (backup, re-install, install software) takes, I think im done in three hours..
ASP.NET vs MXML vs JSP vs PHP Choose one? And Why? - Some discussion for intranet solutions, in flexcoders mailing list. Those replies comes with delay to my inbox, but in site they are in time.